اهم الوظائف


وظائف ينك صحار

وظائف ينك صحار

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Current Openings
Job Ad RefNo 115 / 11
Position Customer Relationship Executive - Al Khoudh Branch
Key Objective To provide customers with the services available through the branch other than those 'quick transactions' processed over the counter, ensuring that quality service is provided and to identify opportunities to promote other bank products and services not already being used by the customers.
Closing Date 05/06/2011
View Details  Apply Now
Job Ad RefNo 116 / 11
Position Senior Manager - Compliance
Key Objective Ensure that bank operates in compliance with all applicable regulatory
Closing Date 05/06/2011
View Details  Apply Now
Job Ad RefNo 117 / 11
Position Relationship Manager Emerging Corporate Banking (ECB)
Key Objective To develop and manage a portfolio of ECB accounts as to bring quality business to the Bank that will contribute towards the achievement of Corporate Banking revenue and profit targets, while ensuring that risk and long term loss is minimized.
Closing Date 05/06/2011
View Details  Apply Now
Job Ad RefNo 118 / 11
Position Officer Branch Support - Athaiba Branch
Key Objective To provide administrative support to the branch required to operate proficiently and effectively, as well as to present an efficient image to customers.
Closing Date 05/06/2011
View Details  Apply Now


مؤسسه الاعمال المتحده

أكمل المقال
وظائف مؤسسه الاعمال المتحده
مطلوب منسقه تنفيذيه - مهندس مدنى - امين مخزن
رسام معمارى - مساح ارضى - فنى ابنيه
عمال - سائق ثقيل